Our Five Step Process

There will be five main steps in our work together:

  1. Evaluation Appointment

    • Identify Solution
    • Portal Set-Up
    • Create Agreement
  2. Power Of Attorney Established

    • Signed & Uploaded To Portal
  3. IRS Compliance Review

    • Identify missing historical returns
    • Provide you with list and recommended methods for data gathering
  4. Prepare & File Historical Returns

    • Negotiate tax solution
  5. Prepare & File Future Returns

What to expect during your Evaluation Call

What is the best solution for you?

During our call, we will identify which of the following solutions is right for you:

  1. Installment agreement IRS  ACS  
  2. Installment agreement Revenue Officer 
  3. Installment agreement State
  4. Installment agreement with state collection revenue officer 
  5. Currently Non Collectible status IRS and 
  6. Currently Non Collectible status state
  7. Offer in Compromise IRS 
  8. Prove You Don’t – Administrative and procedural issues 
  9. Bankruptcy Chapter 7, 11 13 
  10. CSED with IA, CNC  
  11. Innocent Spouse
  12. Penalty abatement
  13. Tax payment in full plan 

Solution Portal Set-Up

  • We will create an account for you in our portal.
  • Identify Next Steps

What to prepare:

If possible, you should have, or know the contents of, the following:

  • Bookkeeping Documents organized by year
  • Tax Filings organized by year