Best Selling Book "Success Redefined"

Robert Crane's new book

A business owner over 40 years with experience in Hawaii tourism and a nationwide tax firm, Bob now provides life transforming solutions for his tax clients.

Bob Lived in Hawaii for 14 years and loved to surf, sail and scuba dive. He started the first ever Kayak River Tour in Hawaii back in 1977. His tours operated for over 18 years and were featured on travel adventure shows like PM magazine. Stories from travel writers about his tours were featured in many magazines like Cosmopolitan and Life when he hosted the cast of the 1993 miniseries “The Thorn birds, Richard Chamberlain, Rachael Ward and Brian Brown on the Kalihiwai River Adventure. His tours were featured in major tour operator programs like American Express Travel, Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays and American Hawaii Cruises. Bob ran hotel pool and beach concessions on Kauai for Sheraton Coconut Beach, Kauai Surf Resort, and activities booking centers at Poipu Kai and Princeville resorts. Bob guided adventure sea kayaking and camping trips on the Napali Coast on Kauai, the North Coast of Molokai, Tahiti, Samoa, and the Cook Islands.

Since Hawaii Bob has spent the past 25 years in the tax industry where he is recognized as a leading expert in tax resolution solutions. His ability to take the stress out of the process for his clients and simplify the complex IRS and state procedures makes him unique in the mostly fear driven industry. As President of Fix Your Tax Problem Inc., Bob oversees client cases from all over the US and has successfully resolved thousands of client tax cases in all fifty states.

Bob is also a songwriter and musician and has written over 50 songs. For the past 12 years, Bob has been a voting member of the Recording Academy which selects the Grammy winners each year. He has been the San Rafael chapter manager of West Coast Songwriters a nonprofit organization for 13 years. He runs a monthly song writing open mic to provide a place for songwriters to share their music. Bob is a 13-year member of Business Network International and has served as one of their director consultants for the past 3 years helping other chapter members grow their businesses.

He and his wife Mary love their home in San Rafael where they have resided for 30 years. They met and fell in love on Kauai in 1984. They celebrate 40 years together on February 2nd, 2024.

For more info about Bob

For info on his Father Earl Crane’s plane, missions, and crew in WWll

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